Delete This!!!
It was curious, I thought, just some piece of spam email that made it through my filter. But the subject line, saying only ‘Delete This’...
The Stench
In this short excerpt from Braile House, two boys, friends, are working their way through the dark storm drains under the streets of...
The Darkness – a Modern Horror Story (Part 1)
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."...
First Visit
Juan Orona is a favorite character for many readers of Braile House. His personal story is integral to the underlying tale. Through...
I am driving a truck. It rides high. It’s a country road. I have a wife, and there are two young children in the truck. It is a small...
Chapter 28: Demons Among Us
Our last three blog posts have concerned real life, the truly dark horror living here with us but mostly unknown. Some of you have found...